There is something uniquely special about the trading of treasures, even if done indirectly. Perhaps you donated a beloved item of yours that was no longer of use to you, though it may have been difficult to part, that piece is now with someone else and is likely making them exceedingly happy and inspired. Your contribution is now a new gem in their life. With that, I believe you have made room for a new extraordinary piece, perhaps you’ll find that velvet fringe kimono you’ve always been looking for (this is my most recent example) or you’ll stumble upon an amazing decorative trinket for your home that has vibes like no other. There’s some wonderful cosmic work going on in giving and receiving. And if you’re constantly playing the game, giving and possessing gratitude, you’ll be open to treasures of all sorts. This past year I’ve done some major house cleaning. I’ve bid farewell to a ridiculous amount of clothing and accessories, all of which I still love, but are no longer of use to me. My dream wardrobe will be filled with nothing less than extraordinary, and this was the first step to achieving that. With that, I believe I found some amazing pieces (actually, I believe they found me)..
One of the richest troves of treasure was a particular seller at the Hangover Market at The Comet Tavern; a woman I could see myself in. She was a wonder to chat with, though I’m sure I’ve only heard the smallest fraction of her stories. Most items are from Prague, she lived there with her ex husband who opened up a recording studio that apparently Frank Zappa was involved with. She also mentioned ties to Iggy Pop. I can only imagine the travels and stories these ornaments hold.
Another favorite was an estate stale early this summer. Ria, from Kaleidoscope Vision (, and her family bequeathed to me (and many others) a vast amount of magical accoutrements. I was speechless when I walked inside. At the time I was bewildered by the idea of letting go of such gems but after a little while I finally got it; they were ready to pass these things along, a quite noble act.
This karmic exchange has been
It is a difficult task to wholl
Vintage Israeli Beatles shirt: Golden elephant vintage (I cut it up a bit). Shorts: Vintage Levi’s. Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell Foxy purchased at